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tertiary storage中文是什么意思

用"tertiary storage"造句"tertiary storage"怎么读"tertiary storage" in a sentence


  • 第三级存储器


  • Query processing on massive data stored in three layers storage system is studied in this dissertation . queries are divided to three kinds which are d - query , t - query and td - query base on where the data accessed is stored ( on the disk or on the tertiary storage )
    根据需要访问的数据存储位置的不同(磁盘上还是第三级存储器上) ,将三级存储系统中海量数据的查询分为d - query 、 t - query和td - query三类。
  • Because the data accessed by d - queries is stored on the disk , so we can use the method of conventional database to process them . we mainly study method for processing queries on tertiary storage ( t - query and td - query ) later . first , a new way to process queries on tertiary storage is advanced after
    由于d - query访问的数据存储在磁盘上,可以采用传统数据库处理查询的方法对其进行处理,因此本文随后重点研究了第三级存储器查询( t - query和td - query )的处理方法。
  • Taking all sorts of factor like cost and storage capability into account , people mostly use tertiary storage equipment like tape library or optical disk library as the primary storage medium to store massive data . at present , a three layer storage system composed of main memory , disk and tertiary storage has already been the primary storage structure of massive data
用"tertiary storage"造句  


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